Enter the Consignment No.

Ex: 12345

what you need to know

What is informed delivery ?

Informed Delivery is a free and optional notification service that gives residential consumers the ability to digitally preview their packages information updates.

How soon after requesting the feature will I get images of my mail and package notifications?

Activation time for the feature may vary, but typically you will begin to receive notifications within three business days.

What should the tracking number look like ?

The number tracking number should be a 12 digit number starting with ‘EMS‘ as its prefix. An example is shown bellow

example : EMS-000000000000

Can I edit the informations ?

Eventually corrections could be made but not on the online platform. The sender has the capacity to take control of the package and its trajectory changes from the agency he sent from. This comes as a result of security policies we implement to keep all packages secure and safe.